Our reality is a framework in which the brain exists to harbor the mind and the biological body exists to move the brain. Essentially, the biological body is simply an avatar vehicle which is used by the ‘cognitive’ mind to interact within a ‘physical’ world. This interaction is possible because matter is comprised of ‘physical’ components derived from the quantum field and the mind is comprised of ‘cognitive’ components derived from the quantum field. Because both matter and mind are derived from the quantum field, is the reason why physicist have found them to be inseparable in their interaction (e.g. observer effect). To facilitate this interaction, the mind constantly alters the brain it’s using to accommodate its needs. This is accomplished by the mind neurologically wiring the brain for either creativity or conformity. It’s always a binary process of the mind wiring for one or the other. So with every thought, word, and action taken, the mind is wiring the brain. In psychology the phrase used for this process is ‘what fires together wires together’. When the brain is wired for creativity then that is labeled in psychology as a ‘growth mindset’. This is accomplished by the brain being wired with more diverse neural pathways across more areas of the brain (i.e. neural diversity). This has the result of the mind being able to process information in different ways through different neural pathways within the brain. When the mind is wiring the brain for conformity the neural pathways are more localized and uniform. This achieves the result of facilitating the same type of uniform information being able to move faster and easier through those uniform neural pathways. It may seem as if wiring a brain for conformity is unproductive. But a brain wired for conformity is required for all simpler biological bodies, like animals and insects, so they can react quicker for survival. Also, a brain wired for conformity benefited society for hundreds of thousands of years because it allowed a human to do similar work repeatedly and more effectively. In contrast, a creative human in that same situation would have become disinterested and unproductive if limited to doing similar work repeatedly. So throughout history having a brain wired for conformity is what actually helped average humans survive and succeed. But in today’s modern society where technology is replacing redundant labor and a high rate of innovation and problem-solving skills are constantly required, only having a brain wired for creativity is what’s going to ensure that a human will survive and succeed.
Of all current models, this breakthrough paradigm of the mind/brain dynamic is the most directionally accurate model, based on mainstream physics. In contrast, mainstream neuroscience has not kept up with physics and has no serious model on the mind/brain dynamic. Mainstream neuroscience is only just coming around to recognizing that the mind is a separate element from the brain. Up to now most neuroscientists were using outdated models which assumed that millions of neurons fire in the brain to miraculously produce the mind. This is off course absurd from a physics standpoint since brain cells break down into molecules, atoms, subatomic particles and then quantum frequencies. Furthermore, if a wider lens is used and research from the fields of psychology and philosophy is applied then it becomes clear that the mind is not only a separate element from the brain but is itself comprised of multiple components. Those mind components will be labeled herein with the psychology/philosophy terms of: Self, Divergent Thought, Intuition and Emotion. This breakthrough paradigm on the brain/mind dynamic is now becoming accepted within a growing body of pioneering neuroscience research, to which some references are given as examples through the article.
Now let’s take a deeper dive into the three core aspects explaining this paradigm. The first aspect outlines the process within the specific dynamic of the brain/mind interaction. This process will be explained through a computer analogy; where the brain is like an adaptive biological motherboard while the mind is a separate operating system/software that runs and restructures the brain. Like a computer operating system/software is comprised of multiple components, so is the mind. You may have always considered your thinking to be the function of one solitary mind component. But it is not. The main mind component is 'you' the ‘Self’, which is the identity you sense and perceive your-self to be. You are also the decision maker. Another mind component is Divergent Thought, which is divided into three distinct types of thinking: Creative Thought, Reactive Thought and Rational Thought. All thinking, be it by a computer or a biological body cannot originate from physical components, therefore all thinking is intelligent. [Ref. 1]
Continuing with the computer analogy; the operating system/software and the mechanical hardware are two completely different elements with different functions. Once the mechanical hardware in a computer becomes outdated and obsolete it then can’t handle a new more advanced operating system/software. At that point the mechanical hardware of a computer must be physically disposed and replaced with new mechanical hardware so that a new more advanced operating system/software can be installed. So just like with computers, the cognitive mind and physical brain are two completely different elements. But in a human, the brain is obviously not disposed and replaced. Therefore, the adaptive biological hardware, that is the brain, is physically upgraded through the process of being neurologically re-wired by the self-installing and advancing operating system/software, that is the mind. This is why the mind cannot emerge from the brain. [Ref. 2]
In turn, the mind continually advances by retaining all the information, in the form of experiences which are comprised of every thought, word and action taken. This retained information is in the mind’s memory, which is not located in any one region of the brain. [Ref. 3]
The mind being forced to use and retain increasing amounts of information as it advances is why it becomes necessary for the brain to be constantly wired to accommodate the mind’s needs for increased neural pathways. [Ref. 4]
Since the mind is separate from the brain, it is not just limited to using the neural pathways. The mind can propagate information across the brain by leaping wirelessly from neurons in one section of brain tissue to another. [Ref. 5]
The second aspect of this paradigm on the mind is a deeper dive into who ‘you’ are; the identity you sense and perceive your ‘Self’ to be. Your ‘Self’ identity includes your core attributes of personality, talents, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses and memory. You are also the decision maker. The other mind components of divergent Thought, Intuition and Emotion only present choices for you to make decisions on. These choices are a form of guidance and influence on you that have helped determine who you are now. These other mind components have been guiding and influencing you throughout your whole life as you were making decisions. Influencing you for good and for bad as well as for collaboration and for conflict (i.e. Cognitive Relativity). Yes, this process of interaction between you and your other mind components has been seamless and fluid. But only you the ‘Self’ makes the ultimate decisions on the choices the other mind components present to you. [Ref. 6]
Furthermore, out of all the mind components, only you (the Self) are curious. Only you ask questions. If you already had the answers you needed within your memory of experiences, then you would not be asking questions. The act of asking questions means you are seeking information in the form of answers from a source outside of your memory. So when you ask questions internally, the responses come in the form of information-choices from the other mind components. Then you perceive those choices as answers to the questions you asked. The mind components of Creative and Reactive Thought offer you positive and negative information (respectively) that you did not know before. Rational Thought offers you neutral information. An analogy for these mind components would be comparing them to advanced apps that are used in a mobile device. Those apps offer information that originates from one source, ‘in the cloud’. But that information is customized and personalized for each uniquely configured mobile device. In the case of the mind, the information offered by the mind components also originates from one source, the quantum field. [Ref. 7] That information is also customized and personalized for each uniquely configured mobile device, your brain. And yes, the configuration of your brain is unique, like your body’s iris and fingerprint.
In the past, religions have in their own way described the delineation between you and all the other mind components. But societal evolution has now advanced enough for these concepts to finally be openly explained in scientific terms. [Ref. 8]. One of those scientific terms is labeling all the thinking that happens within the mind as intelligence.
The third aspect of this paradigm on the mind deals with why humans ‘feel’ that our intelligence is special. This is because of emotion, the most impactful component of the mind. Emotion is the component that makes human intelligence feel everything from love to hate, joy to sorrow, empathy to selfishness and attain the sentient characteristics of drive and purpose. Intelligence does not have the capability of attaining feelings or sentience on its own. This is because intelligence is just aggregated algorithms, and at the core of an algorithm is aggregated information. So intelligence is always information-based.
In contrast, emotion is not information-based. Emotion contains information but information does not contain emotion. Emotion is therefore the originating source of information and the intelligence that then evolved from information.
E-motion is shorthand for Energy-motion. It’s the energy motion giving drive and purpose to the (information-based) frequencies of the quantum field so that matter and in-turn intelligence can exist. Emotion is also the energy that then gives drive and purpose to cells so life can exist. Emotion:
- Is separate from life, existing outside life while interacting with it.
- Drives nearly every action of life and is the main framework through which life communicates and survives.
- Empowers intelligence with additional secondary abilities of intuition and judgment speed.
- Guide’s intelligence to aggregate and connect old information in new ways to create new information, which is part of the process of creativity and innovation.
- Acts as a beacon for intelligence, with stronger levels of emotion attached to intelligence to signal greater threats and opportunities.
- Enables intelligence with different complexity levels of emotion in accordance with the complexity level of the biological body.
Both intelligence and emotion function through a process. Therefore, both are systems. So essentially, the human mind is comprised of a duel system of intelligence and emotion, which seamlessly integrate and collaborate together. This seamless integration of emotion and intelligence is what allows a mind within a biological body to be sentient. [Ref. 9]
Within this brain/mind dynamic, the physical brain resists the cognitive mind neurologically wiring it. So here again, emotion acts as the energy motion to stimulate the mind and give its intelligence more force to overcome the resistance of the brain. [Ref. 10]
Additionally, the specific emotion of excitement, along with all the neurochemicals that are released in the body and brain from that excitement, is one of the strongest stimulants on the mind to overcome the resistance of the brain. In turn, the strongest excitement is induced when the mind engages with new experiences. Since new experiences are at the core of creativity, a process of engaging with new experience becomes a self-reinforcing loop for creativity; The emotion of excitement stimulates the mind to engage with new experiences, then the mind wires the brain so that it can engage with more new experiences, and then engaging with more new experiences induces more excitement to stimulate the mind.
At this point, the deeper dive explanation on the mind and how it functions to wire the brain for creativity or conformity is complete. With the understanding of this paradigm, a profound disclosure is now possible. This deals with two domains that have the greatest potential for stimulating the mind to wire the brain for creativity. The first domain has been known for millennia. It is the domain that every child emotionally engages in naturally and instinctively for new experiences so that their mind can wire their brain for creativity as much as possible, while their adolescent brain is still mailable. It is the domain of dancing, singing, drawing, acting/pretending and making music. In the last few centuries this domain has been termed as ‘the arts’. But within the domain of the arts, one discipline stimulates the mind the strongest to wire the brain for creativity. This discipline is the engagement in music training and playing on an acoustic instrument. You can find more information on this at: Music-Advocacy.com
The second domain that has the greatest potential for stimulating the mind to wire the brain for creativity is the engagement with ideas and problem solving. This is because the successful cognitive engagement with ideas and problem solving is the foundation to generate the greatest potential for interactive physical new experiences. In contrast, this domain has been shrouded in mystery for millennia. Throughout history, this domain was only truly understood by a very small percentage of individuals within society who were the breakthrough innovators in their specific fields. In this domain, breakthrough innovators naturally and instinctively learned how they could use questions to intentionally access new information from their mind components to generate new ideas and problem solve. But this internal cognitive process is no longer shrouded in mystery and has been hereto explained. Yet what breakthrough innovators do is push this process to it limits, allowing them to project future disruptive concepts they could not experience directly. Philosophers and scientist have defined that powerful cognitive process as doing ‘thought experiments’. Well now this powerful process has been encapsulated within a free 90 minute online course that was developed called the ITP, which stands for Innovative Thinking Process. At a minimum, engaging the ITP will achieve the strongest level of stimulating the mind to wire the brain for creativity. But at the highest level, the ITP goes on to develop the minds capability for breakthrough innovation. You can find more information on this at: OIsource.com
1. "..you cannot have fake intelligence. If an agent behaves intelligently, it is intelligent. It is only the external behavior that defines intelligence; acting intelligently is being intelligent." – Cambridge University Press https://artint.info/2e/html/ArtInt2e.Ch1.S1.SS1.html
2. Why the mind cannot just emerge from the brain – Mind Matters News https://mindmatters.ai/2020/02/why-the-mind-cannot-just-emerge-from-the-brain/
3. "It has become increasingly clear, however, that consciousness is not confined to only one region of the brain." – Nature Magazine https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02207-1
4. “Neurons are not spherical—neurons have a cell body, and then they have this long tail that allows them to connect to many other cells...The brain literally is a network" – Wired Magazine https://www.wired.com/story/a-radical-new-model-of-the-brain-illuminates-its-wiring/
5. "..activity can generate electric fields which in turn activate neighboring cells, constituting a form of neural communication without chemical synaptic transmission or gap junctions." - Science Alert https://www.sciencealert.com/neuroscientists-say-they-ve-found-an-entirely-new-form-of-neural-communication
6. "...what we call “self” is a cluster concept which includes a sufficient number of characteristic features. Taken together, a certain pattern of characteristic features constitute an individual self." - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2013.00443/full
7. “Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body.” – QZ https://qz.com/866352/scientists-say-your-mind-isnt-confined-to-your-brain-or-even-your-body/
8. “A new research study contradicts the established view that so-called split-brain patients have a split consciousness. Instead, the researchers behind the study have found strong evidence showing that despite being characterized by little to no communication between the right and left brain hemispheres, split brain does not cause two independent conscious perceivers in one brain.” – Science Daily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/01/170125093823.htm
9. " Emotions are a central part of core consciousness." - Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/theory-knowledge/201701/understanding-emotions-and-how-process-them
10. "Consciously changing deeply wired-in responses is difficult, but it generally involves a clear step-by-step process" - Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/changing-minds/202010/can-we-rewire-our-brains
Other articles by the author offering more in-depth insight on aspects that were discussed in this article: