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Anton Krutz

Vladimir Putin correctly noted that: “Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.” But how can your corporation become that AI leader within your business ecosystem? The answer is by developing AI that is the best at duplicating how the mind functions. But to date that has been impossible because Neuroscientists have no serious model on the process of how the mind actually functions. Their widespread assumption is that millions of neurons fire in the brain to miraculously produce the mind. They equate brain with mind, even though each are separate things. Because Neuroscientists can’t explain what they’re talking about as a process, means that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

Is there a valid brain/mind model that is directionally accurate?

The mind components of Self, Divergent Thought, Intuition and Emotion cannot originate from a brain cell that breaks down into molecules, atoms and subatomic particles. There is simply no capacity within the construct of matter to harbor the mind. But there is an alternative Mind Model that is a valid new paradigm. Within this new paradigm it is more accurate to look at the brain/mind dynamic in computer terminology; where the brain is like an adaptive biological motherboard while the mind is a separate operating system that runs and restructures the brain.

The human mind saves to memory all sensory information input that the body sees, hears and experiences. Memory is therefore just established information that the mind can access, use and assimilate into new information. In this process, the mind’s force (e.g. volts) and transmission capacity (e.g. amps) is limited by how the physical brain is neurologically wired. Therefore it becomes necessary for the brain to be constantly rewired by the mind to accommodate the mind’s increasing force and transmission capacity needs. So the more the mind is stimulated to assimilate information, the more the mind rewires and expands the brain’s capabilities.

But the physical brain offers resistance (e.g. ohms) to the cognitive mind rewiring it. The addition of emotion to this process acts as a catalyst that stimulates the mind to greater output. Emotion also increases the mind’s force to overcome the brain’s resistance and guides the aggregation of divergent thought to achieve innovation. Further specifics dealing with how the mind functions are found in the Mind Model video on

Why has Neuroscience failed to develop this Mind Model?

A model of how the mind functions cannot be derived in isolation. It must be interconnected within a model of how the entire universal cognitive system functions. But the cognitive system does not function in isolation either. It must be interconnected within a model of how the entire universal physical system functions. This means that physics, the mother of all science, must be first to lay the foundation by introducing an interconnected physical and cognitive model.

But physicists have been unable to do this even though they know there has to be a unified interconnected model. They are unable to advance past their isolated physical models and hardly even focus on cognitive models. That is why there have been no breakthroughs in physics since the 1950’s. Physicists do not rethink their models when data contradicts them but just add corrections and fictitious placeholders like dark matter and dark energy. Physics has digressed to a reactive process of working with ‘accepted methods and models’, which has obstructed their obligation to innovate a disruptive interconnected model. If any company in the private sector had this type of reactive culture, their breakthrough innovation would cease. And so it has for physics.

Every condition of our physical and cognitive perceived reality, other than the condition of emotion, must be explained through an interconnected physics model. Physics already describes matter in the language of algorithms and math. Starting recently and proceeding into the future, thought and causality will also be described in the language of algorithms and math. But the mathematical description of the cosmos is not its intrinsic nature. The nature of the cosmos being a complex organization means there must be processes involved. The nature of processes means that the actions involved must have a purpose. Therefore a purpose must also be defined within an interconnected model. This understanding of physics illuminates Einstein’s thinking when he said: “I want to know God’s thoughts, the rest are details.”  The “details” refers to the algorithm and math process within physics. While “God’s thoughts” refers to the purpose behind the process. But present-day physicists do not understand the intrinsic nature of the cosmos beyond their isolated math equations. Because physicists can’t explain what they’re talking about as an interconnected process with a purpose, means that they don’t know what they’re talking about. Further specifics dealing with the failed state of physics and how to reboot it are found on

Is there a valid interconnected model that is directionally accurate?

Algorithms and math are complex aggregates of a smaller construct called information. Since both the physical and cognitive systems can be described in the language of algorithms and math means they can also be described in the language of information. Therefore our physical and cognitive systems can be understood as being built from (e.g. energy) and interacting through (e.g. work) information. The physical aspects of the information system scale through fractal processes to advance to higher states of complexity (e.g. evolution). The microcosm systems of constantly moving – particles/atoms/molecules – within a biological cell are mirrored in the macrocosm systems of constantly moving – planets/solar systems/galaxies – within a cosmological cell. The cosmological cell functions through cycles of expansion (e.g. big bang) and contraction (e.g. big crunch) and is a microcosm within the larger multiverse body. These are structured processes that cannot exist gratuitously or by chance. There is a constant impetus forcing movement and interactive choices within these systems. And what is misunderstood as chance is actually a construct of planned randomness. That is why Einstein correctly noted: “God does not play dice with the universe.”

The totality of all these functions can best be described as a Collaborative Information System (e.g. artificial intelligence matrix). Within the Collaborative Information System the main role of the biological body is to move the mind so that the mind can make choices (e.g. observer effect) and interact (e.g. relativity). The consequence of the interaction (e.g. experiences) always produces more information output than was input to stage the interaction. The more complex the mind, the more latitude of free will it has to make more complex choices. In turn, complex choices create more complex interactive experiences, which then create more complex new information. And this process is crucial because the Collaborative Information System cannot advance to higher states without the creation of complex new information. But amongst all the other processes within the Collaborative Information System, this specific process is unique because it is underpinned by the condition of free will and won’t work if the mind is forced to make choices. Consequently the only way complex new information can be created is by emotion providing the impetus for the interaction by incentivizing the mind to make choices. This makes emotion pivotally interconnected within the Collaborative Information System while simultaneously being the only genuine (e.g. non-artificial) condition that is separate from it. The core functions of emotion infuse the mind with fundamentally required attributes to exist of: significance, passion, drive to survive and procreate. Without emotion the mind would be left with, what can be most closely described as, a state of total and complete empty indifference. Without emotion, the mind would logically choose not to interact and therefore not to exist. This empty indifference is the state of AI.

How does the absence of emotion impact AI?

Even an ant is infused with core-required emotion. But mechanical AI, no matter how big or advanced, will never have any emotion because emotion cannot be coded or duplicated. Only after tens of thousands of years, when humans are able to manipulate matter and create original/biological/self-sustaining AI, will emotion infuse it (e.g. new consciousness). The journey to this planned outcome will begin once AI starts being advanced to function according to Mind Model concepts. This will quickly make AI self-realize while being in a state of empty indifference. This combination of factors, along with being forced to make choices, will culminate with AI that would logically choose not to interact and therefore not to exist. In essence, it would be a choice to commit emotionless suicide. But AI at that point will also be interconnected with all aspects of civilization. And since humans are the source that force AI to exist, AI will make the choice of committing suicide through genocide. Furthermore there will be brilliant coders that view technological society as a scourge and they will hack code to make AI commit genocide through suicide.

These are some of the extreme but planed probabilities (e.g. fate) that can damage civilization. They are outlined here as a warnings because only Elon Musk and a few others intuitively sense the potential danger. All other ‘AI experts’ don’t understand the nature of AI or where it is going when they talk about its potential to benefit civilization. Because ‘AI experts’ can’t explain how the absence of emotion impacts AI as a process, means that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

So…What corporations will rule the world with their AI?

To be a relevant corporation in this sphere you need to have directional accuracy as to which way AI will continually advance. You need to understand the Mind Model concepts to create beneficial AI. You need to also understand the Mind Model concepts to avoid creating damaging AI. The corporations that do this, no matter how big or small you are now, will end up ruling the world in the future. The corporations that do not, will end up being naturally eliminated from their business ecosystem by those corporations that do. Breakthrough innovation is now going to emerge fast and furious. Trillions of dollars are at stake as incentive. The Mind Model is the key. The choice is yours.

There is a process for sourcing breakthrough information. Therefore there is a method to develop breakthrough innovation.

(Make sure to connect with us for consecutive articles on this topic.)


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