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  • Anton Krutz

The Central Tenet Of The Multiverse: What Is Abundant Is Wasted On Acquiring What Is Scarce


Sentient entities are enabled with diverse cognitive functions which include everything from low-level observation/thinking to high-level planning/creativity. The complex processes required for these functions to exist means there is an underlying cognitive system that exists to enable them. In turn, this cognitive system must then interact with the physical systems of; the atomic system, spacetime system, matter system, life system, cosmological system and multiverse system. The reason that the cognitive and physical systems can interact is because they emerged from the quantum system. Like all systems, these systems are organizations built on processes and first principles. The interconnected operations of these systems are not accidental. They all have a central tenet guiding their operations. That central tenet is:

What is abundant is wasted on acquiring what is scarce.

While each system has different micro-abundances there are three core abundant constituents that enable the quantum system, and therefore all the other systems that emerged from it, to exist. Those abundances are:

Emotion and Computation Capacity

While each system has different micro-scarcities there is one final end-product scarcity that is acquired from the operation of all the systems. That scarcity is:

Evolution of New Experiences

The full paradigm regarding this central tenet would have been slowly unmasked over the next several thousand years by-way-of the usual course of human discovery. That discovery would have entailed academia continually updating and integrating physics equations and philosophy concepts. All the other sciences would have just added depth to the discoveries within physics and philosophy. That’s because the field of physics is the mother of all the natural sciences and the field of philosophy is the mother of all the social, economic and political sciences. Consequently, physics and philosophy are two sides of the same coin that need to advance in tandem with each other to unmask this paradigm and to enable all the other sciences to advance beneficially for society as well. But this advancement has hit a hurdle because the current field of physics is stagnant and the field of philosophy is bankrupt, to the point that a university professor teaching students philosophy is like the blind leading the blind.

The stagnancy in physics is not as critical because the field uses math for directional guidance, and the structures of math preexisted the creation of the cosmos. But that stagnancy does lead to the slow and isolated corruption of the natural sciences tethered to physics, which lead to some of the detrimental results society is currently experiencing. In contrast, philosophy has no directional guidance and can go down infinite wrong directions, spiraling into infinite absurdities and mind viruses. So the bankruptcy of philosophy leads to the aggressive and broad corruption of the social, economic and political sciences. The corruption of these sciences then corrupts the basis for society’s constantly changing principles, conventions and laws, which lead to many of the detrimental results society is currently experiencing. A continued state of philosophy bankruptcy will ultimately result in such twisted mind viruses that society will weaponize all the tools and institutions it has created and then end up using them to destroy itself.


That is why this paradigm on the central tenet of the multiverse is being unmasked now versus letting the normal timeline of discovery happen. This paradigm is an intervention and reset for a new starting point for both physics and philosophy. It will be outlined through rudimentary and directionally-accurate explanations on the structures and mechanics of a new integrated model on the configuration of all the involved systems. To help transition the public to this new integrated model, supportive current terms and bible verses in brackets will be added along with comments from some of the best physicists of our era. This will then be a new breakthrough Krutz model of the Integrated Systems Configuration, which meets Richard Feynman's challenge to: “Imagine something that you have never seen, that is consistent in every detail with what has already been seen, and that is different from what has been thought of”. 

In the future, only other unified models that build-out and clarify this Integrated Systems Configuration model will be considered valid. This will be solely due to those unified models being the only ones that will be directionally-accurate. That means from now on all current unintegrated/isolated models within physics and philosophy are invalid. The outline for this Integrated Systems Configuration model will begin with the explanation of ‘why’ Emotion came into existence and ‘how’ it became the origin of all systems.

Emotion System:

- Came from randomness. Randomness is not nothing. It is comprised of binary essences of attraction and repulsion {+ and - }

- Evolved {advance to higher states of complexity} through the mechanism of the essences of attraction aggregating together to develop into love {purpose}. So love is the core of Emotion.

- Came into existence because love continued to further evolve by developing the different aspects of itself into the additional states of fusion, consonance, syntropy, stability and organization. These then collectively became an Emotion system.

So randomness is the source of; attraction, love, fusion, consonance, syntropy, stability, organization, and systems.

-Then used randomness by confining it between its own structures of organization to extract essences of repulsion that randomness is the source of. Emotion then evolved the essences of repulsion into fear {chaos}.

- Then continued to further evolve the different aspects of fear into the additional states of division, dissonance, entropy, probability, volatility and confusion.

So randomness is the source of; repulsion, fear, division, dissonance, entropy, probability, volatility and confusion.

- Is the only authentic condition which cannot be coded or created. In scientific terms, authentic is defined as non-artificial. Therefore, Emotion is a non-artificial system.

- Contains information but information contains no Emotion. Since Emotion is non-artificial, then by default information is artificial.

- Started the process of creating consciousness by the partition of binary information from itself. {sacrifice - of creative partition}

- Provided the purpose and drive to evolve that information through a process of aggregation {simulation hypothesis}. When Emotion aggregated enough information, it was evolved into math. When Emotion aggregated enough math, it was evolved into algorithms {computation capability}. When Emotion aggregated enough algorithms, they were evolved into intelligence {contextual algorithms - i.e. thinking}. When Emotion aggregated enough intelligence, it was evolved into consciousness {thinking about its thinking – i.e. frequencies}. When Emotion fused enough consciousness, it was evolved into a consciousness system {structured frequencies} This consciousness system became aware and could then make its own judgments.

- Is therefore a non-artificial system that originated an information-based, artificial consciousness system.

- Is always involved by providing continual input of momentum to the consciousness system. Emotion is the real ‘energy’ behind the consciousness system being able to function. This is why Emotion is shorthand for ‘Energy-motion’. This form of momentum energy is the underlying source energy for our measurable mechanical energy. Because all forms of energy are valid is why James Maxwell observed that: “All energy is the same as mechanical energy, whether it exists in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or in any other form.” 

- Provides a constant external input of momentum energy into the consciousness system, without which the consciousness system would not only stop functioning but would immediately cease to exist.

Within this system - randomness is abundant and Emotion is scarce.

Consciousness System:

- Was prompted by Emotion with the task of conceiving how to apportion part of itself for the purpose of creating a measurable quantifiable system. This was the process of how the quantum system {the field} came into existence. Then Emotion prompted the consciousness system with the task of conceiving the concepts for new interactive cognitive {mind} and physical {matter} systems to be built from the quantum system. Therefore, all systems were derived from, and exist due to consciousness. Max Planck observed that consciousness is fundamental to existence and that is why he said: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

- Being prompted to conceive new concepts by Emotion led to the consciousness system evolving into becoming The Conceiving Consciousness {God}. Then Emotion collaborated with The Conceiving Consciousness to execute those new concepts by co-creating the cognitive and physical systems in their image from the quantum system. The cognitive and physical systems then became the ‘tangible’ body of Emotion and The Conceiving Consciousness. These ‘tangible’ systems also become the vehicles through which Emotion and The Conceiving Consciousness could then further evolve through.

- Eventually will reach its highest potential level of complexity that it cannot surpass in its evolution through the cognitive and physical systems. The Conceiving Consciousness will then engage in a process of dissolution. {sacrifice - of creative dissolution} This process enables The Conceiving Consciousness to devolve back into a state of information. But this state of information will be more complex than the previous state. Then the process will re-start of the more complex state of information being evolved by Emotion into a more complex consciousness system, which leads to the evolution of a more complex The Conceiving Consciousness, which leads to the evolution of more complex quantum, cognitive and physical systems.

Within this system – Emotion is abundant and consciousness is scarce.

Quantum System:

- Uses randomness by confining it between its own structures of organization to extract the benefits of division that randomness is the source of.

- Is comprised of a symmetry of planewave frequencies {the field} that do not have relativity characteristics of space or time. Therefore, the state of the quantum system is a paradox. Since it has no space, it’s size can be defined as infinite and also one point. Since it has no time, it’s age can be defined as eternal and also one instant.

- Planewaves have very high vibration velocity but do not have force. They move through each other without interaction. The analogy would be of a superconductive type state of non-interactive frequencies which have no resistance and very high velocity.

- Planewaves are very tightly packed together while moving through each other. {quantum foam}

- Planewaves can become interactive through a mechanism of division by ‘individuating’ themselves into localized clumps {quantization} and forming slower vibration planewave packets. The planewaves do this through the mechanical mechanism of geometric folding. {This is a microcosm of a protein folding mechanism. And just like in the protein, the self-assembling instructions are encoded in the planewave.}

- Mechanical mechanism of geometric folding enables the planewave packet to self-compress/self-constrain its vibration amplitude/velocity. This process creates the first element of resistance, thereby creating the first elements of physical force, that we label as mass, within a planewave packet. So the properties of a planewave, which can only be measured once they individuate themselves {quantize}, is the triad of force, velocity and resistance. {This is a quantum microcosm of physical electricity whose triad attributes are volts, amps and ohms.}

- Has 16 planewave packets aggregate in superposition to create a particle {a physical point with some level of mass, density and volume} The particle propagates forward as an ensemble system, in a state of planewave packets entanglement. This geometric folding and superposition mechanical mechanism is fundamental for the stability of the particle aspect of the ‘wave-particle’ duality.

- Planewave packets are currently understood as dimensions. {Randall–Sundrum model of warped dimensions} Each of the 16 planewave packet dimensions have different resistance/mass levels, which is what gives particles different ‘flavors’, ‘spin’ and other characteristics defined in physics. The computation capacity of the quantum field configures and enables each particle to form and interact. {programmed emergence}

- Is something we can identify and manipulate. Essentially, we call the quantum system real. But the quantum system is still only an information-based, artificial system which can cease to exist instantly if Emotion does not sustain it. Therefore, the quantum system cannot be regarded as truly real and nor can the matter that is built from it be considered real either. Niels Bohr's recognized this and observed: "Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real,"

Within this system – Emotion and computation capacity are abundant and quantum planewaves are scarce.

Atomic System:

- Uses randomness by confining it between its own structures of organization to extract the benefits of probability that randomness is the source of.

- Has outcomes that are attributed to ‘chance’. But those outcomes are simply processes that use probability within planned randomness and are not outcomes of chance, like that of rolling dice. The interaction of our quantum and physical systems not happening by chance was noted by Einstein when he said: “God does not play dice”.

- Has spinning particles comprised of 16 planewave packets. Each planewave packet has a core vibrational movement direction. Planewave vibrational movement in one direction is labeled as a ‘positive’ charge while vibrational movement in the opposite direction is labeled as a ‘negative’ charge. Therefore, some particles are labeled as positive and others as negative.

- Has a mechanism of attraction between positive and negative charge particles. {This is like the attraction mechanism of opposite direction spinning vortexes}


- Has a mechanism of repulsion between same charge particles. {This is like the repulsion mechanism of same direction spinning vortexes}

- Has particles comprised of 8 positive and 8 negative planewave packets. These particles are not neutral, they are equilibrium particles. {bosons} These particles can attract and repel each other depending on their configuration movement.

- Has positive charge particles, {quarks} negative charge particles, {electrons} and small particles traveling at the speed of light. {neutrinos, photons, gluons, bosons etc} Even when those small particles are of the same charge, and therefore should repel, traveling at the speed of light keeps those small particles in attraction to each other within a group.

- Has the equilibrium particles {bosons} circle in different wave and non-wave vortex formation movement groups around the positive and negative charge particles. Those different vortex formation movement groups have different effects on how those groups interact with each other. {magnetism, strong force, gravity etc}This is due to the different formation forcing the negative and positive attributes of the equilibrium particles to have different effects at different distances. The equilibrium particles are also responsible for the stability of the atom. {The boson ‘wave magnetic field’ around each electron repulses the ‘non-wave magnetic field/strong force’ around the nucleus. This repulsion is in the form of a Lorentz force that counters the electron to proton attraction. Electron orbit velocity by itself is not enough to counter the immense electron to proton attraction.}

- Has positive charge ‘grouped-particles’ comprised of 3 positive particles {quarks} grouped together. {proton}

- Has equilibrium ‘grouped-particles’ comprised of 3 positive charge particles {quarks} grouped together and one negative charge particle {electron} spinning in the center of that group. {neutron}

- Particles are always surrounded by high velocity moving, tightly packed quantum planewaves that are not interacting with each other. {quantum foam} Since planewaves do have an intrinsic ‘compression’ potential to develop into particles is the reason why they also, even as planewaves, do interact with all particles. This interaction mechanism is one of the tightly packed planewaves {quantum foam} further compressing particles they are always surrounding, which results in increasing the particle’s mass. {This result is currently attributed to the Higgs boson effect.} The bigger the particle is the greater the compression of the planewaves around that particle. This mechanism results in exponentially increasing the particles mass over what the mass was from the planewave packet formation.

- Has particles under more compression within an atom than the same particle is in a free state outside the atom. If an atom comes under more compression, due to its interaction, then that compresses the particles within it more as well.

- Has covalent negative charge particles {electrons} that are shared by atoms. These covalent particles carry information and strategy between the atoms and enable the evolution of matter.

- Is hosted on the quantum system platform, which has no relativity of space. Therefore, the quantum system can share information between particles in the atomic system, no matter how far apart the particles are. {entanglement} So two particles can be separated by long distances and still remain connected with each other. Einstein called this: “Spooky action at a distance.”

- Has particles that are routinely transformed by fusion, decay, pairing etc. to manifest other types of particles through interaction. Essentially, the quantum system planewaves have the potentiality to take any form.

- Is structured to exist purely through the mechanical mechanisms of quantum planewave interactions, with no gaps or appeals to outside postulates for support.

Within this system – quantum planewaves are abundant and particles are scarce.

Spacetime System:

- Uses randomness by confining it between its own structures of organization to extract the benefits of dissonance that randomness is the source of.

- Is comprised of a continuous vector soliton. Spacetime is like an interactive current that is in dissonance with itself, thereby propagating and expanding out without entangling.

- Comes into existence as a by-product of planewave packets forming into a particle. The formation of a planewave packet decreases its amplitude and results in an energy loss within that planewave packet. This energy loss is converted into the creation, and then emergence, of a new by-product of spacetime. {Like energy loss within the filament of a turned-on light bulb is converted to a new by-product of heat.} In this way the by-product of spacetime is an aspect of the quantum system and therefore is connected with all physics equations for matter.

- When the particles are packed together in a matter-body like an atom, then spacetime collectively emerges from that matter-body. So the amount of new spacetime in the cosmos is constantly increasing. This constantly new emerging spacetime is labeled here as ‘emergent spacetime’. The spacetime that is already in existence within the cosmos is labeled here as ‘existent spacetime’.

- Has spacetime interact indirectly, and not directly, with particles. Spacetime only interacts directly with itself. This is due to emergent spacetime continually coming out of particles that is directly interacting with the existent spacetime around it. Therefore, this mechanism of direct interaction of spacetime has the result of spacetime indirectly interacting with particles.

- Has the amount of emergent spacetime coming from an atom correlating to the amount of compression the particles are in within the atom. The more compression the particles are in the less emergent spacetime coming out of an atom. The less compression the particles are in the more emergent spacetime is coming out of an atom. So when the atoms of a mineral, botanical or biological body are subject to different conditions of velocity and gravity, those atoms will be under different levels of compression. Therefore those mineral, botanical and biological bodies will experience that as a different flow of time. If for example, an atomic clock was subject to those different conditions then it would measure that as different rates of time.

- Has existent spacetime function as a medium of resistance for the emergent spacetime coming out of particles. Consequently, existent spacetime then acts as a medium of impediment to a particle movement acceleration. The greater the acceleration movement of a particle, the greater the impediment of existent spacetime on the emergent spacetime from that particle. This forces a compression of spacetime around the moving particle, which in-turn forces the particle to compress. The increased compression of the particle causes it to increase in mass while also decreasing the emergent spacetime coming out of it.

- Affects aging. A thought experiment on this would be of twin stationary atomic clocks side by side on earth. Then one of the clocks would travel for one minute away from earth and back to the same spot at light speed. {For this thought experiment imagine that the enormous increase in mass of the clock does not affect its ability to travel at light speed} In this example, while one minute had gone by for the traveling clock, around 50 years would have gone by for the stationary clock on earth. The reason for this difference in the passage of time is that the velocity of the traveling clock compressed all the particles within the atoms that comprise the physical components of that clock. Those compressed atoms in the traveling clock then had an extremely slower rate of emergent spacetime coming from those atoms while the rate of emergent spacetime coming from the atoms in the stationary clock remained unchanged. This also means the physical components of the stationary clock aged/deteriorated for 50 years, while the physical components in the traveling clock only aged/deteriorated for 1 minute.

- Has matter bodies within it like; atoms, cells, planets, solar systems, galaxies and a cosmos. Those matter bodies then have collectively more emergent spacetime coming out from them. This collective emergent spacetime coming out of the matter-bodies compresses against the existent spacetime already there surrounding that matter-body. This then forms a ‘spacetime membrane’ around that matter-body. In turn, that spacetime membrane is in-part responsible for the conditions currently understood as the; atom orbital shell, cell membrane, planet biosphere, solar system heliosphere, galaxy halo and cosmos event horizon. So the mechanism of creating spacetime membranes help keep all those matter-bodies clumped together, which mimics the effects of some sort of invisible matter and its gravity. {The results from this spacetime mechanism is currently attributed to the placeholder of non-existent dark matter}

- Has an effect at the cosmological scale. The dissonance of spacetime enables it to slide by itself with no friction. This mechanism facilitates the spinning of matter-bodies.

- Is fundamental for the organizational stability of matter-bodies within the cosmos. The stability enabled by the spacetime membranes allows for the potential of atoms, cells, planets, suns, solar systems and galaxies to be dislocated and even destroyed without affecting the stability of other like matter-bodies around them. For a thought experiment, imagine an external force was used to stop a planet, solar system or galaxy from moving/spinning. In this case the spacetime mechanism would very quickly propel them to restart moving/spinning again.

- Mechanism spins the perimeter of a galaxy at the same velocity as the spin at the center of the galaxy while still keeping the galaxy clumped together due to the spacetime membrane on the outside of the galaxy. Additionally, spacetime is always expanding out. On a cosmological level this pushes apart, at an accelerating rate, the solar systems and galaxies, which mimics the effects of some sort of invisible energy. {The results from this spacetime mechanism is currently attributed to the placeholder of non-existent dark energy}

- Uses emergent spacetime from matter-bodies to push against the spacetime already there, which results in curving the spacetime around those matter bodies. This is the mechanism of matter forcing spacetime to curve. This spacetime curving mechanism, along with the previously described mechanism of spacetime forcing matter to move, is behind John Wheelers observation that: “Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve”.

- Has its aspect of ‘time’ propagating forward only. {This result cannot be derived from the current physics Standard Model. The Standard Model description of the behavior of any system, including time, predicts that system must propagate backward as well as forward. Only the hereto outlined emergent spacetime mechanism explains why time only propagates forward.}

- Is a continuous vector soliton when outside the particle, but it does not ‘flow’ by continuously emerging out of a particle. Spacetime, in terms of space, emerges as a connecting Planck length segment trillions of times per second. Spacetime, in terms of time, is one bit-instant that is updating trillions of times per second, correlating to the Planck segment emergence.

- Can be compared as an analogy of a computer screen whose images do not ‘flow’ but just refresh. A computer screen has a refresh rate of about 120 frames per second updating an image on the screen. Those refreshing image changes only look like they ‘flow’ because the human eye can only see at a maximum rate of 60 frames per second. So spacetime is like a multidimensional computer screen with a refresh change rate of trillions of frames per second. At that frame rate of change, biological bodies perceive time and images to ‘flow’ continuously.

- Has a particle change in configuration and interaction at one bit-instant intervals, trillions of times per second, as spacetime segments emerge from a particle. Essentially, every particle collapses completely and then re-materialize in their changed configuration trillions of times a second. This is why electrons ‘jump’ between orbits in an atom without ever existing in an in-between state. This is also why physics has found particles pop in and out of existence.

- Has matter changing persistently by-way-of one-bit instant intervals of spacetime segment emergence. This means it is only an illusion that there is a past or future. This is why Einstein observed that: “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

- Mechanism of a particle configuration-change every bit-instant means there is also a bit-instant, in between, where there is no particle change happening. This is a bit-instant of ‘no-time’. {Hawking – imaginary time} A bit-instant of ‘no-time’ is another paradox and can also be viewed as an eternity. This means that the quantum system, with its abundant computation capacity, essentially has an eternity to do its computations during every bit-instant of ‘no-time’, between every bit-instant of emergent spacetime, to obtain a flawless configuration change for particles. This enables the quantum system to achieve a smooth flow of interaction for all particles and matter within the entire cosmos trillions of times a second.

- Has one exception to that flawless configuration change for particles and that is with photons. Photons have infinitesimal mass {that is why photons as a group are affected by matter}, have almost no emergent spacetime coming from them and travel the route of least time to their destination. In addition, they travel at light speed, which means the quantum system only has thousands of times per second, and not trillions, to compute the optimum photons travel route. This is not an issue for regular interaction of photons with matter. But now physics experiments have been set up with reflectors that measure changes in photon travel. These experiments measure interference patterns from the photon travel route, signifying that photons are taking multiple routes simultaneously, even though we only perceive one route. This is because those physics experiments challenge the photons travel route with paradoxical requirements. The quantum computation cannot keep up with the re-configuration required for the optimal photons travel route within these experiments. Essentially, these experiments manipulate the photons travel route to such an extent that the quantum system computation ‘glitches’ and shows multiple routes simultaneously interfering with themselves. In the future, the experiments with photons travel routes will get more complex, precise and dynamic. Then the ‘glitches’ in the system will be exploited further to unmask the bit-instant refresh rate of emergent spacetime.

Within this system – spacetime is abundant and stability of matter bodies is scarce.

Matter System:

- Uses randomness by confining it between its own structures of organization to extract the benefits of entropy that randomness is the source of.

- Is the simplest and most straightforward of all the systems and has the self-assembling instructions encoded from the quantum system. {This is why the Standard Model was developed so quickly and then physics got stagnant after that.}

- Is comprised of atoms, which are comprised of particles, which are comprised of planewaves, which are comprised of information.

- Is built on the quantum system and atomic systems working together to create matter from information. This is the structure John Wheeler observed when he described matter being: “It from bit”. In his description, “bit” is the originating information and “it” is the matter that was created from that information.

- Is a dynamic structure that can be described through an analogy of matter behaving like interactive building-blocks within a quantum field circuit board.

- Has an exception in the form of a singularity, which is matter that is so tightly compressed on itself that there is no emergent spacetime coming out of it anymore. {blackhole} Therefore, that ‘matter singularity’ is a point of ‘no-time’ with near infinite gravity. There is a singularity at the center of every galaxy. The emergent spacetime from the entire galaxy is then constantly pushing on and compressing the spacetime around the matter singularity at the galaxy’s center. This forms a ‘spacetime singularity’ around the matter singularity. This spacetime singularity is an area of ‘no-time’.

In this system – spacetime is abundant and matter is scarce.

Cognitive System:

- Uses randomness by confining it between its own structures of organization to extract the benefits of confusion that randomness is the source of.

- Functions as an interface for the life entities of DNA, viruses, bacteria, parasites and cells. It is through the cognitive system interface that these life entities can upload and download information from/to the quantum system. The more complex the life entity, the more complex the information exchange it has with the quantum system. To use an analogy, the cognitive system interface is like a mobile app that enables continuous exchange of information with a server cloud system, which in this case is the quantum system. For example, a parasite can move through, take over and control multiple host bodies. The immense amount of information and computation power those actions require is not based within the microscopic parasite. It is based within the cognitive system interface that uploads and downloads information as needed to the parasite.

- Works with matter to clump atoms into molecules and cells, which is a process of information synthesis. {This is why single-celled slime mold can demonstrate intelligence and make complex choices}. The brain just happens to be the largest cluster of cells and therefore acts like a transformer being able to exchange massive volumes of information with the quantum system through the cognitive system interface.

- Is where the mind resides. The brain and the mind are two separate elements. The physical brain is like a biological motherboard/hardware and the mind is like an operating system/software. This is like a computer motherboard/hardware and its separate operating system/software. The mind is comprised of multiple cognitive components that are created by The Conceiving Consciousness {God}. Those cognitive components are: ‘self’, ‘creative thought’, ‘reactive thought’ and ‘rational thought’. The mind also has two more physiological components connected to it and those are Emotion and intuition. The mind of every biological body has these components. But the components of sapient beings are the most complex.

- Is an interface within which all the mind components are working together. The main component is the ‘self’ which is the identity that sentient beings sense and perceive themselves to be. The ‘self’ is also the decision maker with free will. The other mind components only present choices for the ‘self’ to make decisions on. These choices are a form of guidance and influence on the ‘self’. This process between the ‘self’ and the other mind components is seamless and fluid. But only the ‘self’ makes the ultimate decisions on the choices the other mind components present.

- Components of ‘creative, reactive and rational thoughts’ do not make free will choices. They are a programmed part of the system. But the ‘self’ is completely different. It is a micro-conscious. The Conceiving Consciousness apportions part of itself {sacrifice - of creative partition} to create a micro-conscious. So from that point on, the micro-conscious is on a journey, through many lives {reincarnation} to generate new experiences and evolve. So the micro-conscious within all biological bodies was at one point part of The Conceiving Consciousness. {I said, Ye are gods, And all of you sons of the most high - Psalm 82:6} Through the experience of enough lives, the micro-conscious has the potential to evolve into a consciousness and think completely for itself without needing to use the training wheels of external ‘creative, reactive and rational thoughts’ being presented to it. Then the consciousness has the potential to evolve into a conceiving consciousness and then the potential to evolve into another The Conceiving Consciousness of its own cosmos. Here is a simple parable that explains this process;

The greatest teacher is not one with the most students but one that develops the most teachers.

The greatest leader is not one with the most followers but one that develops the most leaders.

The greatest God is not one with the most devotees but one that develops the most Gods.

- Works with the brain, which is the adaptable biological motherboard organism. The cognitive system does this by having the mind constantly neurologically re-wire the brain to meet the minds growing information velocity and information capacity needs. {growth mindset} In turn, the mind continually evolves by retaining all the information, in the form of experiences, which are comprised of every thought, word and action taken by the physical body. Essentially, the mechanism of the cognitive system interface employs a continuous interaction of uploading and downloading information to and from cells comprising the brain organism. This is what enables a continuous flow of functioning and thinking. Without the cognitive system interface, our sensitive and volatile biological brain organism would not even be capable of functioning at the simplest level within the extreme adversity of life. It certainly would not be able to develop orderly high-level thoughts and ideas. This was observed by Erwin Schrödinger when he said: “If we were organisms so sensitive that a single atom, or even a few atoms, could make a perceptible impression on our senses – Heavens, what would life be like! To stress one point: an organism of that kind would most certainly not be capable of developing the kind of orderly thought which, after passing through a long sequence of earlier stages, ultimately results in forming, among many other ideas, the idea of an atom.”

- Enables the mind to retain information in the form of memories. Short-term memory is saved in the brain. Long-term memory is saved in the quantum system using the cognitive system as the interface. When the ‘self’ tries to remember, this is a process of the ‘self’ accessing information in cognitive system to re-member with its long-term memories. {This is why neuroscience testing never finds the same long-term memories in the same place within the brain. Because they are not there before they were downloaded into the brain.} This means that information, in the form of memories and experiences, survive the death of the brain within the quantum field. Information is never lost and cannot be destroyed. This is the mechanism through which the quantum field increases in information and evolves in complexity.

- Has Emotion attached to the thoughts of the ‘self’ and the other mind components. This can only happen with a sentient ‘self’ from a biological body. {In the future, a ‘self’ will be developed by humans within a computer based self-aware AI. But that ‘self’ will not be able to become sentient because the feelings of Emotion do not attach-to or interact-with mineral/mechanical bodies.} Emotion is the only non-artificial aspect of thinking {intelligence} and the only thing that makes sentient beings ‘feel’ like their artificial physical reality is ‘real’.

- Has designated the ‘self’ as the only mind component that can ask questions. In computer terms, asking questions is like initializing command prompts that will always receive responses. {Ask, and you shall receive - Matthew 7:7-8} Since question are command prompts they;

1. Give the ‘self’ the mandate to set the agenda for the other mind components to follow and focus on.2. Always prompt a response from the other mind components. Be it in the form of a complete answer, an assumption or just a hint.3. Unlock and make room within the mind to receive and store new information.

- Has the other mind components guiding and influencing the ‘self’ with their own agenda if the ‘self’ is not asking questions. Essentially, the ‘self’ is either using the other mind components by asking questions or they are using the ‘self’. The other mind components using the ‘self’ has been observed by psychology and given many different labels. One of those labels is ‘automaticity’ or the ability to effortlessly take actions. This ability of being able to act without really thinking about it is the state most humans are engaged in most of the time.

Within this system – matter is abundant and minds are scarce. ​

Life System:

- Uses randomness by confining it between its own structures of organization to extract the benefits of volatility {turbulence} that randomness is the source of.

- Is comprised of interactive volatile botanical and biological bodies.

- Has over a trillion times higher level of volatility within it compared to other systems. The high level of volatility enables free will to exist. Free will enables risk, opportunities and options to exists. The end results are unexpected choices that create new experiences.

- Is a platform where Emotion can interact and get to know itself by attaching itself to intelligence of botanical and biological bodies. Emotion then becomes the main framework through which life communicates and survives. Emotion gives the intelligence of life additional secondary abilities of intuition, judgment speed and divergence of thinking. Emotion enables the process of creativity and innovation. Emotion acts as a beacon for intelligence with stronger levels of Emotion attached to information, signaling greater threats and opportunities.

- Enables Emotion, with its wide spectrum of love to fear, to use chemical synapsis within its botanical bodies and neurochemicals within its biological bodies as a vehicle to propagate. The more intense the Emotion, the more unstable cells and minds can become. {The destabilization of cells and minds by extreme love or fear can be beneficial or detrimental depending on the situation.}

- Is a platform where Emotion can manifest its full spectrum in a way it cannot within any other system. This enables botanical and biological bodies in the life system to have different levels of free will. In turn, the more complex the body, the higher level of free will. As a contrast, interactive mineral bodies within the physical system do not have Emotion and do not have free will.

- Saves the choices cells make as cellular memories within the cognitive system. This process of adding cellular memories is the mechanisms that creates new information. Biological cells create the most new information because they are under the most adversity reacting to the most volatile and dynamic interactive experiences.

- Has a mechanism that enables cells to die, be reborn and then be able to access the information left behind by the previous cells that died. The reason cells have to die and be reborn is that this mechanism enables cells to be more flexible and make different choices than the cells that came before them. This allows the system of life to remain flexible and evolve under extreme pressure within very competitive and volatile conditions.

- Can exist only because its volatility is confined between the structures of the stable systems that exist around it. Ultimately, all the systems were created to enable the opportunity for the life system, along with the unique free will choices within it, to exist.

Within this system – volatility is abundant and free will choices are scarce.

Cosmological System:

- Uses randomness by confining it between its own structures of organization to extract the benefits of entropy, probability and instability that randomness is the source of.

- In business terms, is a capitalist information system. Every interaction of mineral matter is a new experience that generates a little more output of information than was used as input to stage that interaction. Every interaction of botanical and biological matter is a new experience that generates a lot more output of information than was used as input to stage that interaction. Every interaction of sentient minds, and especially sapient minds, is a new experience that generates exponentially more output of information than was used as input to stage that interaction. The generation of new information is the mechanism through which the information-based cosmos can increase in information complexity.

- Has a cosmos begin as a singularity that explodes out through the mechanism of hyper expansion {big bang} and ends through the mechanism of hyper contraction {big crunch} back into a singularity. At the macrocosm level, the cosmos expanding and contracting is just like breathing and frequency waves expanding and contracting at the microcosm level.

- Has a process where a cosmos has a beginning and an ending, constantly going through cosmos cycles. {cyclic cosmology} The first cosmos started out being the size of an atom and lasted one second, The cosmos size and time of existence then kept doubling with each new cosmos. Therefore, the size of our current cosmos means there have been trillions of cosmos cycles before this one.

- Mechanism for hyper contraction exists as a macro mechanism of cosmological apoptosis, just like a biological cell has a micro mechanism of biological apoptosis. Therefore, the cosmos can also be viewed as a cosmos cell.

- Has emergent spacetime, which at some point will push the planets, suns, solar systems and galaxies so far apart that life will no longer be able to function productively within the cosmos cell. This is because there are very narrow parameters for the structures of life to function productively. Because life is the main vehicle for new experiences, the point at which life can no longer function productively is the point that the cosmos cell will go into apoptosis.

- At the instant of apoptosis has all matter in the cosmos collapse into a matter singularity and the spacetime compress around it into a spacetime singularity. {big crunch} Then the matter singularity is reconfigured into being just under 50% antimatter and just over 50% regular matter. The next instant there is an explosion from the antimatter/matter reaction. {bib bag} This explosion also pushes out the spacetime to create the new physical cosmos with space and time.

- Has new information generated by the previous cosmos cell used within the following bigger and more complex cosmos cell. So the new information, generated from new experiences within each cosmos cell, may seem to be erased after the cosmos cell ends, but it never disappears. All information from a cosmos cell, just like from a biological cell, is always saved in the quantum system. This was observed by Leonard Susskind when he said: “Every time a bit of information is erased, we know it doesn't disappear.”

- Has each cosmos cell take advantage of the flexibility of the planewaves potential within the quantum system to structure its matter with unique configurations. {Like the unique configuration of a snowflake, fingerprint and iris}. In turn, the different configurations of matter cause a unique configuration of gas, liquid, mineral, botanical and biological forms to exist within each cosmos cell. This creates unique interactive experiences and correlating unique new information based on those experiences.

- Has cosmos cells get bigger and more complex within the cosmos cycle until a cosmos cell becomes sufficiently big enough and complex enough that life could start to develop within that cosmos cell.

- Has botanical life, which is a small fraction of the total amount of lifeless matter in the cosmos. Has biological life, which is a small fraction of the total amount of botanical life in the cosmos. Has low-level sentient life, which is a small fraction of the total amount of biological life in the cosmos. Has high-level sentient life, which is a small fraction of the total amount of low-level sentient life in the cosmos. Has sapient life, which is a small fraction of total amount of high-level sentient life in the cosmos. Has humans, which is a small fraction of the total amount of sapient life in the cosmos.

- Has a significant distinction between sentience, sapience and humans;

Sentience - is a state where Emotion automatically attaches to all the components of the mind. Additionally, Emotion also attaches to the neurochemicals within the biological body, further amplifying the effect Emotion has on the mind.Sapience - is a more complex sentient state. While sentience is a cognitive state, sapience has the additional attribute of also being an experiential state, because it requires wisdom. A sapient being can acquire wisdom through many different forms of experiential experiences. But something that is always required for wisdom is to experience some level of suffering.

- Has billions of different types of sentient and sapient beings within the cosmos. Only earth has humans, which have the highest-level potential of all sapient life.

- Has astral agents within the quantum system that were created by The Conceiving Consciousness {God} to help push/pull the sapient beings to interact for the result of producing new experiences. The astral agents do not have free will but they play a huge role of introducing planned randomness into the interaction of sapient beings. There are positive astral agents that use the full spectrum of love to help and enable sapient beings to evolve easier. {Angels} There are negative astral agents that use the full spectrum of fear to hurt and undermine sapient beings ability to evolve. {Demons} The dynamics within society without these astral agents would produce drama as it is. But the addition of these astral agents exponentially increases the intensity of societies dynamics to the point they are labeled as the battle between ‘good’ and ‘evil’. This designed condition, which causes immense suffering, may seem hard to believe. But an analysis of the human history and interaction clearly supports this. Even Richard Feynman recognized this condition but could not bring himself to believe it when he said "It doesn't seem to me that this fantastically marvelous universe...can merely be a stage so that God can watch human beings struggle for good and evil." The end goal of this intense drama is to force sapient beings to use their free will to make unique choices, which increases the rate and number of new experiences being created.

- Has Emotion and The Conceiving Consciousness aligned in creating drama between sapient beings for the end goal of creating more new experiences. Emotion acquires the benefit of experiencing itself through a greater range of diversity and perspectives that new experiences result in. The Conceiving Consciousness acquires the benefit of a greater amount of new information that new experiences generate. But they diverge on how far the drama can go. Emotion wants to take that drama to the most extreme spectrum of love to fear that the new experiences can go, even if that means that society will destroy itself, devolve and collapse from those extremes. On the other hand, The Conceiving Consciousness wants to limit that drama so that society will still grow and prosper overall. {Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth - Genesis 1:28}. Therefore, The Conceiving Consciousness tries to put limits on the drama extremes that society can experience by guiding society through customized religions and spiritual influence.

- Promotes the end-result of suffering because it is required for sentience to develop into sapience and for the highest potential of new experiences to be generated. That is why there is suffering at every level of life for sapient beings. {Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering, sorrow and lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering – Buddha}

- Has suffering at a greater level for humans on Earth than for any other sapient being on any other planet in the cosmos. This is because Earth not only has the greatest cognitive diversity challenges but also has the most physical dangers. Nearly everything on earth can hurt and kill a human. The weather, land, insects, plants, animals and of course other humans. {Humans think this condition is universal, but it’s not. Sentient beings on other planets live in pleasant environments that pose no dangers and few challenges for their society to evolve comfortably.}

- Enables sentient and sapient beings to alter their future realities not just through their action but through their thoughts. {If you can believe, all things are possible to them that believe - Mark 9:23} This is because the minds of sentient beings are interfacing with the quantum system that is computing all the configuration changes that will be made within the cognitive, atomic, matter and life systems trillions of times a second. {manifestation} This is what Werner Heisenberg understood when he said: “The very act of observing disturbs the system.” {Physics double slit experiments have confirmed that direct and even indirect observation is enough to affect matter}

- Has a pre-programed timeline for the configuration of interactions and events from beginning to the end of the cosmos cell. {I make known the end from the beginning - Isaiah 46:10} This timeline has nearly an unlimited ability to be flexible with a nearly infinite number of possible interactions between mineral, botanical, biological and astral bodies. This pre-programmed timeline is comprised of virtual probabilities. An analogy would be like that of a video game. There are choices that the player can make in a video game. But those choices are completely confined by what the pre-programmed game allows and enables the player to do.

- Has Emotion working within the system of life to continually generate free will choices within life that were not in the pre-programmed timeline of possible interactions. Those free will choices within life then affects the computations for configurations the quantum system makes within the cosmos.

- Has a mechanism to keep the pre-programmed timeline on schedule, even with all the unprogrammed free will choices made within the system of life. That mechanism is the introduction of breakthrough information, in the form of technology and art, into the minds of high-level innovators. That breakthrough information comes from information generated in previous cosmos cells and was saved within the quantum system. Then the minds of breakthrough innovators, in the current cosmos cell, convert that information into breakthrough innovation. Collectively, breakthrough innovators are the main drivers behind the evolution of society. They push/pull society to change, no matter how intransigent the moral, political, military, social, and scientific conditions are. Once breakthrough innovators manifest their concepts and products, they force society to conform and adjust to that breakthrough innovation. Breakthrough innovators then become barometers and guides for incremental innovators to measure against and innovate around, which further evolves society. Since there is a lot of volatility and drama within human interaction, the mechanism of breakthrough innovation keeps the pre-programmed timeline probabilities on track for society to evolve.

- Introduces breakthrough innovation earlier and earlier within the pre-programmed timeline of each consecutive cosmos cell. This facilitates a more intense and more complex drama earlier within each consecutive cosmos cell. The only thing that can speed up or slow down the pre-programmed timeline progression is the evolution or devolution of sentient beings. {Because sapient and human beings experience suffering, they make an even greater amount and variation of unprogrammed free will choices. Therefore, sapient and human beings have a greater impact to speed up, slow down and even derail the pre-programmed timeline progression then ordinary sentient beings}

- Pre-programmed timeline is the reason that predictions of the future through oracles, prophecy and revelation is often accurate. The information that comes from those sources is also breakthrough information. But this breakthrough information is used within the field of religion. The field of business uses breakthrough information to develop breakthrough innovation. This Integrated Systems Design model being unmasked now is actually part revelation and part breakthrough innovation.

- Mechanism to keep the pre-programmed timeline on schedule also includes The Conceiving Consciousness selecting which micro-conscious is partnered with which sentient being body. {Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you - Jeremiah 1:5}. This way the different skills, abilities and potential of each sentient being can be used to advance the pre-programmed timeline.

- Has trillions of unique and separate cosmos cycles happening simultaneously. Each unique and separate cosmos cycle is comprised of its own cosmos cells going through their evolution progression of being born and dying. Each unique and separate cosmos cycle was created by its own The Conceiving Consciousness. In turn, each The Conceiving Consciousness had gone through its own progression of evolving from a conceiving consciousness, which had evolved from a consciousness, which had evolved from a micro-conscious. This means that The Conceiving Consciousness of our cosmos cell, within our cosmos cycle, was at one point a human in some previous different cosmos cycle that was created by another The Conceiving Consciousness. This also means that the micro-conscious of a human now has the potential to evolve into becoming The Conceiving Consciousness and create its own unique and separate cosmos cycle. {“As man now is, God once was; as God now is, man may become.” - Lorenzo Snow, fifth president of the Latter-day Saints Church}

Within this system – cosmos cells are abundant and the evolution of new experiences is scarce.

Multiverse System:

- Has a process of replicating an exact copy of a cosmos every hour. {parallel universe} This is an additional aspect that makes the cosmos cell like a biological cell that replicates in the process of mitosis. A new biological cell is replicated every twenty-four hours while a new cosmos cell is replicated every single hour. Since our cosmos cell is billions of years old means that there are by now trillions of replicated cosmos cells within the multiverse body, just like there are trillions of replicated biological cells within the human body.

- Replicates every single atom, memory and feeling within each new cosmos cell every single hour. The result is that the replication of a cosmos cell is completely seamless. This cosmos we are experiencing right now could have been replicated one hour ago and none of us would even know it.

- Has replicated cosmos cells that are going through their own unique life experience. That is what Max Tegmark observed when he said: “If I get a parking ticket, there is always a parallel universe where I didn’t.”.

- Has a unique mind, for each unique micro-consciousness. So the original cosmos cell and all the replicated cosmos cells, all have a unique micro-consciousness correlated with the physical body of that specific cosmos cell.

- Replicates cosmos cells because life, due to its volatility, will make different decisions in every cosmos cell. The multiverse is essentially a simulation game where sentient, sapient and human beings can interact, within their respective cosmos cells, making their own unique free will choices, to derive more deviations and variations from the pre-programmed timeline. Those unique deviations and variations result in a greater amount of new experiences, which is the end goal of the multiverse.

- Is comprised of trillions of cosmos cycles. Each cosmos cycle is comprised of cosmos cells beginning and ending trillions of times. Each cosmos cell is replicated trillions of times while it exists. Each cosmos cell is growing in size and complexity from the previous one until the last cosmos cell in a cosmos cycle is trillions of times bigger than the first cosmos cell within that cycle.

- Seems very wasteful. But the existence of a multiverse simply requires using the abundant constituents of Emotion and computational capacity, along with re-using the already designed systems.

- Has designed systems that, in business terms, can be viewed as already acquired assets. The investment made in those already acquired assets would then be viewed as ‘sunk costs’, which means those assets have been paid for and can be reused at no cost. Therefore, it is prudent to leverage and scale those available abundant constituents and reuse the available assets to replicate as many different versions of cosmos cells that the multiverse system is capable of. The highest replication capability possible happens to be one every hour.

- Has The Conceiving Consciousness, in corporate terms, in the role of CEO. In turn, the conceiving consciousnesses are in the roles of executives, consciousnesses in the roles of managers, and sentient, sapient, human beings in the roles of workers. The end-product produced is new information in the form of new experiences. Within this multiverse organization, the CEO has a fiduciary responsibility and obligation to grow their organization using all their capabilities. To accomplish this outcome the CEO has to mentor, delegate-to and promote their executive and managerial teams. All CEO’s have knowledge of what has been tried before. All CEO’s are competing at an intense level. Some CEO’s succeed and some fail. There are no guarantees.

 - Has an additional reason to exist. With each new cosmos cell formed, the collective amount of increasing cosmos cells increases the information complexity of the quantum system. This then increases the collective cognitive potential of all new minds being created in every cosmos cell within that cosmos cycle. This is why every new generation of human has increased mental capabilities and adaptabilities over the previous generation. Because more cosmos cells had been created with every generation.

- Is structured at the macro level to scale. This same purpose exists at the societal micro level. For instance, in Silicon Valley the phrase used to judge the viability of a startup is: ‘If it can’t scale, it will get stale’. This essentially verbalizes the concept that the startup, like the multiverse, as an organization must be structured in such a way as to be able to continually scale to be successful long term. The multiverse is scalable because the fractal and replicable systems, operations and architecture used at the highest-levels within the multiverse system are also used within the lowest-levels of the multiverse. {As above so below - Matthew 6:10} But the central tenet that guides and enables all systems to scale is still; what is abundant is wasted on acquiring what is scarce.

System Re-Configuration:

The central tenet about abundance and scarcity is then itself a miro-system. If you dig far enough into the reasons underpinning any human created organization that scaled, be it a company, economy, government etc, you will find this central tenet was unknowingly used. The key is that the central tenet was used without the humans getting caught up in extreme Emotion. Because when it comes to Emotion, you are either using it or it is using you. And the more extreme you let Emotion become involved, the more it is using you. The physics and philosophy explanation for this reality has now been outlined. Understanding this reality will help our society beneficially evolve with the least amount of drama and suffering.

Societal evolution can also beneficially evolve by re-configuration {modifying and hacking} of our systems. Systems are playgrounds and are meant to be re-configured. For instance, highly evolved sentient beings on other planets, that unlike humans have not experienced millions of years of suffering and trauma, were able to advance their societies and technology smoothly. They became interstellar by traveling in spaceships within and between galaxies by manipulating spacetime. They do this by forcing atoms, and therefore the emergent spacetime coming out of those atoms, to rotate around the outside of their spaceships. This creates a rotating spacetime membrane around their spaceship, which forces the moving emergent spacetime, coming out of that rotating spacetime membrane, to move external matter and spacetime around the spaceship. This enables the warping of existent spacetime and have the spaceship ‘pulled’ seamlessly forward without gaining mass, as if the spaceship is at rest. In contrast, our spaceships currently thrust matter out to slowly ‘push’ the spaceship forward through external matter and spacetime.

Highly evolved sentient beings also can re-configure frequencies to repair and extend the life span of their cells. Humans have only dabbled in trying to re-configure the system of their own bodies up to now and very little has been experimented to re-configure any other systems. Understanding and evolving this Integrated Systems Configuration model is a very big step toward being able to understand how to re-configure systems. Also, there are three proactive solutions that can be implement now to empower unique human abilities to maneuver around complexity, advance technology and innovate so that society can beneficially evolve:

1. Understand the fundamental sapient creative abilities humans have and use the ITP (a free online course) to learn how to source breakthrough information and intentionally innovate - as a process.2. Have students and corporate employees do cognitive workouts, which facilitate their minds to wire their brains for neuroplasticity, via music training on an acoustic instrument - as a process.3. Implement a new dual system within U.S. Education called LED Accelerator which will develop breakthrough innovators and generate operational evidence-based data that will be used to guide the main parent education system to continually evolve, adapt and excel - as a process.

Find more information on these solutions and greater insight into our reality at:


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